Tomáš Kočko & ORCHESTR
(C) & (P) Indies rec. 2001
Hodovnice was, according to “The Old Silesian stories”, was an original name of Godula Mountain. The name was derived from the word “HODY”, the feasts, what old Slavic inhabitants of Beskydy Mountains have been celebrating on the top of the hills, and on top of Hodovnice especially.
The music on Hodovnice album is Kočko´s first and deep draught into ancient pagan pre-Christian roots of Moravian traditional music.
- Hodovnice
- Morena
- Vesna
- Čarodějka
- Čaruju
- Ze země
- Pod májí
- V javorových horách
- Svatojan
- Na loukách
- Beltine
- Godula