Tomáš Kočko & ORCHESTR
(C) & (P) Indies Scope 2009
Our Christmas Carols album is openly saying, that KOLEDA (carols singing) is pre-Christian habit and our Slavic ancestors have been singing carols during their celebrations of Winter Solstice – in ancient Slavic language “KRAČÚN”
Christmas, as we know them, are syncretic, pagan-Christian feast. And the album KOLEDA, brings you collection of Moravian traditional carols completed with author´s original songs on the theme.
The album was in the top 3 nomination of ANDĚL AWARD 2009.
- Kračun
- Tak sem sobě
- Byla cesta
- Co nam ty daš
- Den přeslavný
- Ondrašku s Juraškem
- Hej Koleda!
- Co zpíval Josef
- Teče vodička
- Kristus pán se narodil
- Rozjímejte
- Co nam ty daš - live